
Girl's Festival Dolls - "Hina Ningyo"

March 3rd is "Hina-matsuri", the Japanese Girl's Festival  or Girl's Day in Japan.
The festival is for wishing girl's growth and happiness, most families that have female children display these dolls at home.
They are usually decorated with peach blossoms , grilled bits of rice cake, sweet white liquor called "Shirozake" and so forth.

From the top tier, the two dolls infront of a gold folding screen are imperial dolls, the Emperor and Empress.
"Sannin-kanjo" is three court ladies which holds a "sake" equipment at the second tier.
Third tier holds a five male musicians "Gonin-bayashi". Each of them have a musical insternment in their hands except the singer, who holds a fan.
On the fourth tier is the Minister of the Left and the Minister of the Right. Between of them there is a "Hishimochi", a diamond shaped rice cake.
Fifth tier holds the three helpers as a protector of the Emperor and the Empress.
Sixth and seventh tier, there are a variety of miniature furnitures, tools and carriages are displayed. 

It is said that the custom of displaying dolls began during the "Heian" period (794-1185).
These dolls are made almost 60 years ago. You can see a delicate work on each of them.

The dolls are displayed until March 3rd. Please come and see the beautiful "Hina-ningyo" at Hotel Niwa Tokyo! 



Setsubun and bean throwing ceremony at Misaki-jinja Shrine

This is Misaki-jinja Shrine, a guardian god of Misaki-cho area including Hotel Niwa Tokyo.

Today, not only children but a lot of people gathered to the shrine to catch on to the lucky fortune! 

Today is "Setsubun" , the day before beggining of spring according to the lunar calender, literally means "the day between two seasons".

Setsubun is very popular annual event in Japan and the most important ceremony on Setsubun is a bean throwing and catching.

The shrine's priest throw beans hoping for a good fortune and drive away an evil spirit.
Under the shrine building, many people reaches thier hand to catch those beans which are thier lucky fortune and happiness for this year.
