
Bean Throwing Festival

Every year on the 3rd of February, we perform the ritual which is called "Mamemaki" in each home."Mame" means beans. "maki" means to throw.
We throw beans with saying "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" in our house in order to get rid of evil and disease of former year.
"Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi" means that " In with fortune! Out with evil!"

The festival related with Mamemaki is held in many shrines all over Japan.
There is the big festival also in Kanda-Myojin shrine on that day.
Kanda-Myojin shrine is about 10min. from our hotel by train and on foot.
The crowds are waiting for the start of the festival.
There is a big head of evil on the right hand side. 
The festival is started soon.
The shrine parishioners come first.

Evils and evil hunters

Shrine priests and Fuku no Kami
Japanese traditional musical band

Shrine's Pony "Akari"
All the members of the parade
go inside the hall of worship to pray.
Fuku no Kami pray for crowds

 The evil hunters shoot arrows at evil

Not only beans but also oranges, snacks, lottery tickets are thown.
The crowds try to catch them.
Hundreds of poeple pray for their fortune and enjoyed the festival.
If you have chance to visit Japan on the 3rd of February, please get taste of it!