
Oasis on the 3rd floor

There is a recommended space on our 3rd floor when you stay at Hotel Niwa.
It's Refresh Lounge.
There are 2 robotic massage chairs which are available for free.
It will reduce your tiredness after exploring Tokyo all day long.

When you feel thirsty, beer or other alchol and soft drinks are available at vending machine.
Sim card and basic skin care cosmetices are also available.
There are 2 coin-operated washing machines with built in detergent.
You can also use microwave. It's free.
It's convenient when you would like to have sinple meal.
Stepping outside of the refresh lounge, there is small green garden.
It's oasis for our guests and small birds.
There are not only flowers but fruit tress like blackberry, fig, Hassaku orange.
If you are lucky, you can enjoy the home-made jam with the fruits from this garden at breakfast.

Flowers of Black berry. It will fruit in July to August.